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Choose the Strategy

We know very well that time means money so, tell us exactly what you need and we can discuss with you straight away about the vision for your business.


Answer a few quick questions to speed up the process and be more time efficient! 


It is crucial to understand and deliver on your goals in order to develop a successful digital strategy. There are many things that need to be done to enhance the customer experience, maximize your online exposure, and unite your company's vision with reality, as well as everything in between.

We are here to get you online and put to play all our expertise, skills and experience. Our goal is your success! 

We offer consultancy to all of our clients before we start building. A unique plan with timescales and effective actions is what you will get from our consultants. We work together with you to get the best results and you can feel free to ask us to clarify any aspect.


Keep reading to understand what is that we are focusing on when we start collaborating with you and what is the benefit of having a good strategy.

Marketing and Brand Audit

Your position in the market is what will make your business thrive. We aim to help you understand this by performing a full research and deliver a detailed report with our findings. The value of doing this research is to help you focus your attention, energy and budget exactly where is needed, without spending money unnecessary.

What do you get from this? 


Full picture of your business

Tell us about your goals, your history, your strengths and weaknesses.


Your competition

Your position in the market reported to other businesses will give insightful information about the direction you might want ot take.


Market Research

Understand what the customers need and want is imperative to better reach them.


Visual impact

The logo is not the only visual factor that gets to your customer. Product photos, service videos and other resources can enhance your brand.

Target Audience Audit

Profiling you target audience is very important to better analyse real customers. Using various tools to get data such as location, age or motivations can lead and transform to better conversion. From our experience, knowing your customers can help you focus on your business and on your digital marketing to improve your delivery. 


Gather data of your audience

Using advanced tools, we can collect good data on your customers. 


Analyse common details

Segmenting and categorising your audience can lead to powerful information on demographics, behaviours and interests.



Focus your marketing resources in specific directions based on the information gathered and that can lead to much better results.

User Interaction Mapping

Profiling your audience can ensure a higher conversion rate, while understanding the interaction of a customer with your website improves the delivery. The customer's first impression of your website is essential and having a pleasant experience is crucial. Mapping an user interaction with your website can improve your sales and also make he customer come back to you.  


Understand customer goals

Understand what is that your customer looks for on your website is crucial to improve their experience on your website


Define touchpoints

Whether it is buying a product, get a quote, pay for a service or contact you, having a clear overview of where your customer should be able to know how to perform these actions, quickly and clearly


Clear mapping

Help any customer to quickly reach its goal on your website and give them a pleasant experience, will ensure your business success and positive review.

Data Analysis

We can collect all the data you need to understand what will succeed, what needs improving and where to point your focus. Accurate data will be used to provide better products or services for your customers. Understand and measure in real numbers how your business performs, what social media better reaches your customers, what progress looks like and so on.


Choose the right tools

Choosing the right tools to get the right data is important, therefore we are here to advise on that.


Design the reports

Get the information you really care about. This can differ from time to time, so be efficient and always keep shifting your focus on important part of your business.

Online Presence Audit

Being active online can directly translate to having an active and prospering business. The importance of qualitative posts through the right mediums and platforms should not be overlooked. Public Relations, Brand Image and Social Media presence are just a few of the aspects that will make your business successful.


Review the feedbacks

Understand what works and what doesn't, what your customers like, where your audience found out about you.


Write the right content

From the tone of voice to the right format, it's important to know your customers and what will make them click and lead them to your business.

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