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Design the Reports

We know very well that time means money so, tell us exactly what you need and we can discuss with you straight away about the vision for your business.


Answer a few quick questions to speed up the process and be more time efficient! 

Competitors Analysis and Report

If you don't keep a tab on your competitors, you could be left behind on big opportunities. A competitive analysis is essential to ensure your success and adapt to the ever changing demands of the customers. Studying and acknowledging your competition strengths and weaknesses and comparing them against yours is what such a report will do in order to inform on what direction you should take about marketing strategies, campaigns and design of the website. 

SWOT analysis, competitor overview, competitive landscape and comparison matrixes are all reports to be created for each client, uniquely and detailed, to help understand what can be improved and what the next opportunities to grow can be.

Traffic Analysis

Understanding where your traffic comes helps focusing your efforts, time and resources better. 

There is no point on spending money on marketing strategies that are not effective or not converting, therefore having a regular traffic analysis gives an accurate overview of what the actual outcome of each campaign has. 

We uses advanced and reliable tools to extract traffic information on your website and highlights what is working better for you, where you stand against your competitors and what you can do to improve, whether this is to improve on your organic traffic by improving on SEO, increase your paid advertising budget to proportionally increase your sales and conversion rate or to focus more on email marketing as this convert better in your case. 

Conversion Rate Report

The main goal of the conversion analysis is to identify what optimisations can be adopted to in order to achieve better conversion rate. 

What’s considered a good conversation rate will vary widely from company to company and goal to goal or campaign to campaign. You set this goals, and we listen to you before we advice on any actions. 

Conversion analysis allows you to understand if a specific part of your content or a certain campaigns works better than others, but also what is preventing customers to convert, taking away the doubts and guesses. 

The ultimate goal of this analysis is to increase the conversion rate, and we have the experience to do so!

Brand Audit and Report

Producing a detailed analysis of your brand is essential to asses your position in the market, individually and against your competition. 

The brand audit will contain recommendations to differentiate yourself from others and to improve the brand reputation and visibility. By enhancing your brand clarity, improving the marketing consistency, highlight differences and expanding audience reachability you can take your success to the next level, in a smart and reliable way. 

Brand auditing can tell when is the right time to refresh the image of your brand, expand and franchise or rebrand in order to differentiate yourself and attract more customers.


Domain Authority Report

Domain authority measures how good your website is compared to others. Having a higher domain authority will lead to a higher rank in the search engine and more traffic. 

Search engines don't reveal their ranking mechanisms, but we use various tools to understand how your website measures on different levels and factors, such as page loading speed, keywords, website structure or inbound links.

Building domain authority is a time-taking and ongoing process but the results will benefit your ranking and traffic.

SEO and Optimizaition Audit 

SEO is one of the most important tools to generate organic traffic, reflecting business growth, performance and website health. Having your website optimised will convey in positive return on investment on long term. 

Using the most reliable systems and tools, we analyse your website regularly to ensure progress is not only maintained, but continuously improved. We analyse aspects such as SEO KPIs, organic traffic and ranking progress, and backlink growth, but not only those, as we go deep in the underlayers of the website. We pay attention to all details, as from our experience, everything counts, but we filter and only report the metrics that matter to you.


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